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Contact Me

Psychodynamic & Depth Oriented Therapy

I believe that each person has the capacity to grow and change at any point in life.

Individual Therapy

Psychotherapy can be short-term, focused on a solution to a current situation, or difficult emotions that get in the way of daily life. It can also be a longer-term, deeper process through which together we discover and address barriers to greater self-acceptance and meaning in life.

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Couples Therapy

We bring to our relationships within couples, all our previous experiences in life. I offer an environment of safety and acceptance in which deeper understandings of each other and new ways of relating and communicating, can lead to a more satisfying and joyful relationship.

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about My practice

I bring my many years of experience in health care to everyone I work with.

Fear and pain can keep us from the fullness of life, while anger, resentment, loneliness, and jealousy can keep us from experiencing healthy relationships.  I seek to provide an environment of safety and acceptance, where new understandings and confidence can grow and flourish.  I bring my many years of experience to help you develop insights and skills, a deeper sense of meaning.

Recognizing that our feelings and previous experiences affect such issues as intimacy, the challenge of illness, coping with stress, life's transitions, loss, and sense of purpose, my approach to psychotherapy integrates concepts of treating the mind and body. I work with individuals and couples to facilitate change toward increased contentment and vitality, and have particular expertise in helping clients cope with the experience of chronic or acute medical conditions.

my Approach

Psychodynamic & Depth Oriented Therapy.

Develop meaning and confidence.

My approach to therapy is psychodynamic and depth-oriented, that is, based in the relationship that we build together.  Aspects of the psyche that are outside our awareness may be influencing our thoughts, behaviors, and feelings.  By your sharing what troubles you, I work together with you to explore aspects of the psyche, conscious and unconscious that are strengths, but also aspects that may be keeping you from living a fulfilling, effective life.  Together we seek to allow for the development of lasting changes that may come from insights, learning new skills, or other aspects of therapy such as the experience in-session of feeling heard. Through growth in self-awareness and confidence, there can arise a greater sense of meaning in life.

Schedule a 15 minute introductory call below.


My Approach

Learn more about how I work by
clicking the link below.

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what I believe

I believe that each person has inherent value and worth, and deserves to be understood and affirmed.

Robin Beresford, LMFT, PhD

MY philosophy

Some Favorite Quotes

Below are some quotes that represent thoughts on how I view life and are influential in how I think about my practice.

"Life presents us with repeated opportunities to face what we fear, what we need to become conscious of, or what we need to master."

Jean shinoda bolen

"Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes."

carl jung

"Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift."

mary oliver

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